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Nathan Hayward Welcomes You

Nathan Hayward is a Christian songwriter, jazz pianist, author and teacher. 

About Nathan Hayward

Nathan was brought up in London in a missionary household. His childhood was steeped in the music of a lively Baptist Church. He started violin lessons at aged 12 and soon after he began to be drawn by the fascinating sounds of jazz piano, this eventually became his first study. 
After leaving university with a first class honours degree in jazz music he embarked on a career of teaching and performing. As a committed Christian, Nathan was inspired by his brother John (who writes devotional songs) to write his first Christian songs and together they produced a number of albums. 
In 2006 Nathan married Rachel and now has six beautiful children. They moved from London to a more rural location in Cambridgeshire in 2019. When the Covid lockdowns hit, he found himself with the time and space to start posting his songs on YouTube.
Nathan continues to post a song every month on YouTube to give glory to the Lord and for the blessing of others. He also helps to lead a small house Church, has two jazz piano educational books published and is working on a third. He teaches and performs jazz piano and violin. 

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